Big Hill

By bighill

Change of Address...

Today we loaded up the 3 lovely goats into the pickup truck, drove them down the highway (they really didn't like that) back to Brook's farm, where 2 of them originally lived - one was pregnant when terry got them 1 1/2 years now there are 3 returning!

What a trip it was getting them there.....first trying to get them into the back of the pickup in the truck, with a bowl of oats - and Terry hoisting them up from was funny to watch us! Then the drive - the agitation they experienced was big....poor wee souls....all those strange and scary noises in the back of the open truck! however, we got there in one piece....had awful thoughts of one of them trying to escape while we were driving down the highway!

Once they were safely inside their new stall....we spent a lovely hour or so, wandering around the gardens and seeing all the animals there!

So, now the barn is empty, ready to be cleaned and let the renovations begin!

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