Simba Returns Home


It took me so long to download my holiday backblips (they start here, if you are interested!) that I nearly forgot to do one for Sunday and this has to be a backblip too!

I collected Simba from the cattery this morning and he has spent the entire day coming in and going out and yowling round the house, as only a part-Siamese can! I think he's pleased to be home, but is still a bit confused:-)

This shot shows him sniffing out "his" garden and also shows a few more purple and white dahlias which had bloomed in our absence. Even my pots of summer bedding are lasting well and the pansies are delightful, so our friends did a good job on the watering. I'm returning the favour for them, as they are away in France this week:-)

A busy, busy day with washing (where does it all come from?), telephone calls to/from friends and family and, of course, backblipping my holiday journal. Now I've got to download some more to my Blipfolio (another day) and then sort out the other few hundred I took while we were away:-)

A busy day scheduled for Monday too, so hope to catch up with you all very soon.

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