September Storm, Day 3

Here's one view of the storm: Oreo cozing in on my lap as I enjoy an all too infrequent pastime, simply reading a book in the middle of the day. Oreo loves to seek out my lap in the mornings when it's nice and quiet, and maybe in the evening. The book I'm reading here is "Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock" by Matthew Quick. I think it's one of the most relevant, most important books about teenagers, American society, and American high school since "The Catcher in the Rye."

Then we went walking. I asked Tom if she would join me in our walk around the long Minto Brown Park river walk. She was a little hesitant in this storm of September storms, but she relented and agreed. We donned what rain gear we had and followed Kirby around the tree-limb strewn pathways. Soaked, we got soaked! We hustled out from under the 120-foot high cottonwoods, some bent double in the maelstrom. It's been a crazy three days in this most unlikely of September storms, but we were out and about. Better than just couch-potato-ing and veg-ing out. If you would like some photos of the park walk, check them out here. Sorry, but Flickr won't let me add new sets, so you have to sort through all of my pictures there to see. This time, it should be the first eight shots.

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