
By ThompsonTwin

Last flower in the garden

A weird day so far - woke up with my balance gone, ie I fall over if I walk around without holding on to things. Also I feel nauseous and these I am told are the classic symptoms of an inner ear infection and may be a left over from the cold I'm getting over. So, falling over and throwing up... honest it IS an infection!

Second weird thing - rang the doctors and got through and made an appointment in about 30 seconds - I haven't been to the doctors for years so don't know if this is normal? I expected to be engaged, hanging on for at least 10 minutes or told there were no appointments and to ring back tomorrow.

So am fine if I don't move and am very bored, hence early blip. Neighbours bemused as I crawled over the lawn, took one photo of a flower and crawled back :)

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