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Lozarhythm Of The Day:
Aretha Franklin - Let it be (1970)
Paul McCartney wrote this song following a dream about his late mother, and had Aretha Franklin in mind to record it. He sent a solo demo of the song to her producer offering her the rights to release it before the Beatles. Aretha duly recorded this version of the song, probably on 8-9 January 1969 though discographies are unclear, but certainly before the Beatles recorded their version as part of their film project at Apple Studios on 31 January 1969 (George Harrison added guitar overdubs at future dates). Paul had first attempted the song with the other Beatles on 8 January.
For some reason, Aretha delayed releasing her version for so long that Paul McCartney withdrew his first release offer. However, the Beatles' versions also became mired in all kinds of legal and artistic complications, so that when the Aretha Franklin version finally appeared on the album This Girl's In Love With You in January 1970, it was still two months before the Beatles' single of the song was released and first heard by the world.
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