The Kiltwalk

By thekiltwalk

Empty chairs at empty tables

Everyone’s gone home and the sun has gone down.

The gazebo’s are packed, the banners unclipped and the flags have all flown. It had to happen, because time stands still for no one and Glasgow, Edinburgh, Speyside, Aberdeen and Angus Kiltwalks are all over.

Two hours earlier, this was the end of the Angus Kiltwalk and what a fantastic day it was.

The sun, as last year, shone all day long. Our walkers, as ever, turned out in great numbers to raise money for Scotland’s Bairns.

Some, were walking for the first time and walked further than they ever thought possible, while others were walking their fifth Kiltwalk of the year.

Some of Oor ‘fivers’ had planned to walk them all, others kept walking cause they mates were walking, while others who hadn’t planned it, simply couldn’t give up in their quest to keep on raising money.

Some skipped along, others dallied, while for some they had to get through severe pain just to finish, but finish they did.

Finally, some, like the 13 year old young man who walked on his own and was one of the first to finish, simply walked because they’re Mum “told them to!!”

All of this meant that once we had taken everything down and I looked back at “what had been”, I was filled with a sense of sadness that it was over and sadness that we’ve had to come together in the manner we have in the first place.

As I stood there with Holly, I asked her to take this picture, making sure she got the bleakness of the outside and the “empty chairs and empty tables” inside the hall.

I did that because as I stood there, a song from Les Miserables “Empty chairs and Empty tables” which I’ve only heard sung once by Fraser Ralston at Zoey’s S6 Award Ceremony, ran through my head.

If you’ve never heard it, please take a few minutes to listen to it here and then have a read of my interpretation of it.

There's a love that can't be spoken.
There's a pain goes on and on.
Empty chairs at empty tables
Now my Kiltwalk friends are gone.

Here they talked of no more blisters.
Here it was they limped home in pain.
Here they sang about `tomorrow'
and how they’d never Kiltwalk again.

From Kitchen tables the next morning
they could see what they’d achieved
So they rose to find their laptops
To do something they’d never believed

The very thoughts that they were having
became the desire and inspiration.
There was only one thing for it,
to find out about further registration

Oh my friends, my friends forgive me
That I cry now you are gone.
There's a grief that can't be spoken.
A Kiltwalk pain that goes on and on.

Phantom Kiltwalkers at the window.
Phantom shadows on the floor,
but as I look at those Empty chairs at empty tables
I know it’s where I’ll meet my Kiltwalk friends once more.

I hoped you like it, I’m sure Herbert Kretzmer won’t exactly be looking in and suing me for copyright.

All that’s left to do is say a heartfelt thanks thanks to charities and the help they provide.

Thanks to Oor Teams, who walk hand in hand by our side.
Thanks to all the people who have entertained us, particularly Gary Speirs and Drums n Roses, don’t forget us when you’re famous, you can be our ambassadors.

Thanks to all our volunteers and helpers, we seriously couldn’t do it without you. There are too many to mention, but I need to slip a wee mention for Rhionnah, Gillian and Ian (not me) for following us round the country. Next year make sure your birthday doesn’t clash though Rhionnah. I also can’t not mention Hugh, Jan, Holly and Scott for doing what they do and don’t moan, too much.

Thanks to the Red Cross, Raynet, and Scotia Wings. No one, and I mean no one messes with the Raynet and Scotia team on Kiltwalk day, who needs Police when these guys administer the Kiltwalk law.

Thanks to all our sponsors, may you continue to help us.
Thanks to Oor Shaun and his helpers who are very much part of the team.

Thanks to Elaine, why? Well her efforts have inspired me to walk Oor October Forest Walk for Aila’s Amblers, because she can’t make that weekend.

On behalf of the Trustee’s I know you want us to thank the Kiltwalk team Alison, Carey, Gillian, Lisa, Mhairi, Richard , Stuart and Zoey, because it is a “team” and needs to be a team to realise the future of The Kiltwalk.

However, the biggest thanks goes to YOU, our 6,000 Kiltwalkers who along with our charities inspire the Kiltwalk Team each and every day

You make us want to put on bigger, better events.
You make us all want to do it again.
You make us want to help you raise even more money for Oor Bairns next year.

After all, why say the sky's the limit when there's footprints on the moon.

See you all Kilted and booted next year.

P.S. thanks to Elaine & Sandy Coull. It was great to finally have a chat and thanks for the Malteser cake, it was fabulous. I must send you my address. #shockhorror Ian blags something of the Aila Coull Foundation, not like me Kirsty, eh :-)

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