PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP

Ground Squirrel

Backblip #12

Today Cat and I set off on a three day 'Thelma and Louise' style road trip .... minus the convertible... and the driving off the edge bit too! Ok so really we were in a little toyota corolla hooning carefully driving along the long and rather sh*#tty dirt road to Sossusvlei. Cat also voluteered on the EHRA project at the same time as me and we on really well together - instant easy going friendship :-)

Because we were in a 2wd car it was slow going alot of the way and took us about 7 hours of driving to get to our camp site. Along the way we stopped at a qirky little town called Solitaire. Population 92 .. I think ... according to the sign at least anyway! Here we filled up and stretched our legs and wasted quite a bit of time watching this very cute ground squirrel strip all the bark (?) from a small palm tree.

Also on the drive south we came across quiver trees, zebra, oryx and an African wild cat! We made it just in time to leg it up the closest dune inside the park for sunset. We didn't quite make it to the top - the setting sun won the race but we still saw some amazing colours on the surrounding landscape. We actually got a bit disorientated on the way down and went the wrong way - thankfully we did as we came across a beautiful big owl that flew out of his roosting tree right in front of us!

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