My life in blips

By Goretex

1st Birthday

Today is my dog's first birthday. As a special treat, she got to go swimming. She would swim all day if we let her. Got an email from the breeder to say "happy birthday" - that was nice. Other birthday treats included a chicken filled bone, more biscuits than usual and tea at auntie Mag's, later tonight.

Also discovered my mobile wasn't working - I could hear people on the end of the line, but they couldn't hear me. Hope people didn't think I was crank calling! Went into town to get a new one - it's rather snazzy.
I am still getting used to it and I promise never to laugh at my dad again when he gets a new phone and doesn't know how to work it. I am currently in the same boat.

PS Nobody call me for a few days, until I work out how to answer it. There might also be a lull in me texting people.

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