Musical pots

My sister set off back to France first thing this morning and Mum and I travelled over the Pennines to my house. The weather was better this side of the country. I had been expecting rain but it was a lovely day. It meant we could get on with the gardening as it has been a bit neglected in the last few months!

We spent longer than originally intended ... which is what normally happens when Mum gets in the garden! We wanted to re-pot all my plants so we played musical pots without the music. Each one was treated to new soil and an upgrade as they were all in need of bigger homes. We also rescued "Nelly" and "Henry", the two clematis that have been struggling where we had originally put them. They've each been given their own tub. No, I didn't name them, those were the names on their labels!

I am moving house in January so these are now all happy and ready to move with me.

All my travelling in the Big Adventure is now over. Only five more days and then I am back to work and normality, whatever that is!

Big Adventure Day 117 - Gardening
Photos 11/12,986

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