The accidental finding

By woodpeckers


Another Square September blip, which also ticks the box for the One street project.

This is my street, and I've blipped this house before and the cats, Ginger and Whinger,that live there. The house went on sale at the end of March, but I only saw a couple of people sniffing around it once. They were sussing out the little playground behind, down the alley that leads there, where a fierce looking dog jumps up and down, wearing out its days in a small cage.

To my relief, the house sold a couple of weeks ago, and the SOLD sign has been on my list for square blips. I was waiting for a dull day...

I spent most of the working day with the same child, which is unusual, and then went the the chemist for my flu jab. The pharmacist, Agata, said 'this won't hurt too much' and jabbed the needle in at the very top of my arm. It hurt like hell, and I went into a total over reaction, wincing sharply, jerking my head back and biting my thumb, my body language totally mimicking that of the child I'd been working with! Agata went into hysterics because she was so upset at having hurt me, and I fell about giggling, and we just sat there laughing in a tiny cubicle in Superdrug for at least five minutes.

After that I was allowed to leave, so I went home and slept. It's been a busy few days.

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