
...with the dragon

today -

an unexpected surprise - and very welcome - she kept circling about me - landing, leaving, coming back - landing, leaving, coming back - in a pattern that lasted a good 10 minutes or so - as i stood still - in the same spot - simply waiting her out - figuring she was playing with me - either that - or she knew i was an idiot with focusing - and it would take me that long to get a decent shot of her -

to be honest - i don't quite remember this particular one - i recall looking head on with her - doing my usual murmuring - perhaps that intrigued her - why she seems to shyly be making eye contact with me - those big blue eyes zooming in on mine - whatever the case, it was a moment to be marked down in the insect world - and for me, with a dragon - it made for...


happy day.....

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