
By antipodean

Mood Indigo

A rather oddly cropped photo of my house taken as I walked home. I wish I had a wide angle lens to make these shots look a lot better!

Despite my rather late night last night, I got up nice and early this morning to go and see a film with Charlie. We saw Mood Indigo, which was on at MIFF as one of their big films. It's made by the guy who did Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind which is one of my favourites, so I had high hopes for Mood Indigo and I was not disappointed. I've heard quite mixed reviews of the film, and I can see why some people wouldn't like it - I can see the flaws - but I just thought it was exquisite. The creation of this beautiful, quirky universe that we were able to glimpse into just stole my heart. It was just stunning, visually, and the story was so sweet and sad and odd. It's films like this that make me love cinema.

I have no idea what I did when I got home. Probably I just thought about Mood Indigo the whole time!

The problem with trying to get a photo of my house is that more often that not there will be at least one car in the way. I cropped Dad's car out of this, and then decided to crop next door out as well (which is hard because it's a terrace). The other problem is that the terrace is wonky, which makes straightening the photo a nightmare. I'm not entirely happy with the result, but it's not as awful as it could be!

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