
Today was the practical component of my exam and the boy's enrollment day. I think both went well enough. But, for me, the majority of the assessment is based on yesterday... In exciting news, the induction to Paul's course is much later than I'd hoped... which means I can steal him down South for a few days :oD

Dragged Paul to meet vets in a post-exams social at our local. It was fun and I think everyone got on well enough :o)

Headed back pretty early so Paul and I could spend some proper time together, without exam panic, etc... So, naturally we fell asleep :oP Having woken up again, we did a quick cake and nibbles run to the shops and started cooking dinner. The boy's family often cook Kedgeree, and he learned how while I've been away: It was yummy!

We had some tea and cake for a midnight snack before passing out...

Pictured above is a dear friend who's having a well-deserved pint after far too many exams.

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