Time is Flying

I now understand what Mums say when they want time to slow down. This time last week I was in Recovery after Minnie Bo Gossage arrived. It feels like five minutes ago but it also feels like she has been here forever! I'm tired today - nothing to do with a bad night, she was golden again just waking every four hours which me and S shared so we got 6/7 hours sleep each. I think the last week has caught up with me. I was due to go out for lunch with Mum and her friend but I have stated home. She will be back soon and we are heading to see the mum of one of my best friends. Dinner is ready for tonight, floors swept and mopped, washing basket empty and eBay stuff packed up ready to post. I'm nice having an hour to myself before Lady Minnie wakes for a feed Thanks for all your ongoing comments, hearts and stars. I am blessed with lovely Blip pals x x

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