Anywhere with a tide will do!

Moffat is a lovely wee town surrounded by hills and woods. But the sea is nowhere to be seen ;and I miss it.
So every journey that involves a ferry trip is a bonus.....even if ,as in this case across the Clyde estuary, its not the proper sea!
Today I had the luxury of time to go up Lyle Hill above Gourock to look out over to Argyll........nostalgia for me..and one or two others!!
It was not always so : the pier below used to be the Cal Mac boat for Dunoon ,and ,when I lived in Argyle, on numerous occasions arrived seconds late to see the ramp lifted and the boat steam off!!
Much ranting and cursing---but had only myself to blame.....always leaving things to the last minute!! As you do!
But now the Western Ferries are every 20 mins so the mad frenetic dash isn't nessessary!!
And the crossing today was choppy ,so imagined it was the Atlantic....sigh!!

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