
By mrsanf

Tree lined walk

This footpath cuts across a church yard, at one end (behind me)is the cathedral and at the other is the magistrates court. When I walk into town I walk this path, and it never looks the same. The light on the trees, the dappled shade, sometimes it's busy with people going about their business and sometimes contractor vehicles scooting past, most days there are chickens rummaging about in the grass. I love watching the passing of the seasons here, the leaves beginning to turn orange, yellow and red and creating a crunchy carpet, then the trunks and branches of the trees take centre stage as they are silhouetted against the grey winter sky. The footpath becomes a nightmare when the snow and ice visit and then in the receding snow the snowdrops and aconites push through as spring tentatively steps forward, then summer when you slow down and enjoy a moment in the shade. My three good things today.... A really helpful O2 advisor who sorted me out with a cheap phone contract The scales telling me I have lost 2lb this week Reading all the lovely messages you guys left for me on my blip birthday....thanks I'm blown away by you all (will get round to replying ASAP)

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