living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

Rock the Frock!

This morning we had a very exciting Rock the Frock (and the suit, though it doesn't have the same ring to it and the Mr. lost bits of his actual suit so was not in full suit mode) photography session with the amazingly talented SDB. Cat Price Photography, another fabulous talent, also came to shoot and both were able to juggle taking shots of all of us with keeping the kids from going into meltdown mode which is truly a gift considering I forgot to bring anything sweet for bribery! We had so much fun and I can not wait to see the results! It's been 7 years since our actual wedding and I may be (a LOT) more tired and longer in the tooth I am pretty amazed I still fit into the dress (barely, but still...). The Mr. was able to fit into his attire as well (what he could find of it) and it was great to be able to involve the kiddos who obviously weren't able to make it to the real wedding. We felt so special and someone in charge at Walton Gardens even saw us taking pics and said we could go inside the stately home to take some. It was perfect and music to Chickpea's ears as she was a bit chilly in her dress. Thank you so much Hazel and Cat for being fantastic and making it all happen!

Here is a sneaky picture the Mr. took of SDB working her sparkly magic, though on our camera it looks a bit streaky I'm sure the end results will be fab!

The afternoon was filled with friends, soft play and happy, worn out kids and a happy worn out me (especially as Monkey woke us up at FIVE this morning).

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