The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

What a fungi?

Decorating our patio are these fungi.

When we bought this house 7 years ago, a sycamore was trying to grow between the slabs. Now, these little guys are.
They may have a short lived blip fame before their end.......heh, heh, heh!

Today Mary showed me how not to look like an amateur artist and there was no beret involved, so that's good. As for the painting, it's coming along, but a few more miles/ kilometres to go.

Popped into my parent's and helped Dad to suss out the tesco order. He has been doing it for years so me trying to help him as a novice is like the proverbial leading the proverbial.

Tonight we are finally rid of the caravan trailer base from our front lawn. Thanks Norman. No we really don't want any money for take it......please.

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