The three stooges

For no other reason than that I need an excuse, I will be embarking on 'Film October,' and trying to shoot solely film for blip for the whole month. I've been meaning to break out the film cameras for a while, but haven't found solid motivation in my head. The last time I tried this was back in March, when a planned week just kept on going. So I'm aiming for a month this time round, and we'll see what comes out of it at the end. All it really means for you guys is that updates will be in batches, as rolls come back from processing. No different from normal service then really.
The three cameras above are those that I expect to be using most, if not exclusively. On the left is my first one, Minolta X-300, I absolutely love it but its a bit temperamental so it may or may not feature. On the right is the plastic fantastic Pentax P3on, £5 from ebay (plus a fair chunk for the lens) and this will be the work horse, going everywhere. It served me well earlier in the year. In the middle is the Mamiya C220, which I would most of all like to get a series of portraits on, maybe this will be the spur I need. I've also recently come across a cable release which fits all of these, so some longer and/or night exposures may also take place. Till next development...

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