My Aim is True


Kids say the funniest things

A quick visit to the book festival this afternoon, to see a regular of said festival. Mr McCall Smith never disappoints, always an entertaining raconteur.

Met up with pal later, some food at Mosque Kitchen (aw david77's gone t'Egypt, am uploading this days later, so he actually is away now) then a show.

Hmm, a show! A comedy show. Hmm? I'm sorry, but actually kids don't really say the funniest things, unless they are your kids. And to base quite a lot of your "comedy" routine at The World Famous Edinburgh Fringe Festival around this premise is just shoddy. And, another thing, Ms Very Important Reviewer, us mere members of the public keep you in a job by reading your comments, so if I come over and tell you that I think the show stinks and your review ought reflect that at least have the good grace to acknowledge that my opinion is actually quite relevant.

So then we went to the pub, and had too many whiskies.

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