
The sun broke through for a short moment and I thought it's time for some fresh air and a camera walk. I had some hard time concentrating on photography while I walked. I worried about my lost spare batteries and memory card, having no clue when I last saw them. That's when I got one of those very rare clear moments, realizing my thinking has not been with my doing for a long time. I forget things and I hassle and I don't listen. So I thought October 1st would be a good timing to change that and get my thoughts back to what I'm doing, after all the floating through summer and madly squeezing through September.

I got back home and found the battery and the memory card safely in the hutch. A good start, if I ignore the rest of the day.

I carried two huge clothes drive bags to school only to find out that the donation day is Thursday like we had been informed. So I carried them back.
I had enough time but started cooking dinner too late and we all had to leave before dinner was ready.
At that point we were in a hurry. I got mad at my son because he wouldn't want my choice of underwear for soccer practices outside in the cold rain. I managed to make a big hassle out of one extra shirt. He wanted to wear a jacket instead which was a much more sensible choice.
Which never were there, the practices I mean. The half of the team with us was standing in a cold rainy parking lot trying desperately figure out where we should have been.
When arriving in the right place 15 minutes late we found out it's inside a gym and we only had cleats for Aapo, no other shoes, and he couldn't play after all.
Back home I got the dinner ready but we didn't have time to eat before the next pick-up. I packed them in the car in their pyjamas and wrapped in a blanket. Poor Hanna who had been dragged along all the way was so tired and hungry she was partly crying.

All good now, I got them some dinner in the end though it was quite late. And I got them to bed and I only needed to hug and kiss them goodnight twice.

Oh well, tomorrow is a new day.

My excuse is, I did do some useful things today, too. In the middle of the rush I sorted one jammed toilet and chased one huge spider out of Aapo's bedroom.

Have a good October!

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