
The quantity and violence of the sneezing were much reduced today, so I managed to get some work done. I also went for an appointment with the doctor who is puzzled that my cholesterol total seems to have gone up when all other indicators have gone down (eg weight, bp, etc). The jury is still out - I have to go back in six months. Can I possibly eat any more green leafy vegetables and porridge?

Later in the evening we watched on i-Player a wonderful BBC4 documentary about Nic Jones. It was good to see so many old friends reminiscing about him - Nic is as magnetic as ever and his son has learned to play the guitar in his father's style, which many have attempted and none have completely succeeded at before. I was so engrossed that it wasn't until afterwards I focussed on the delicious beer I had been drinking - Wild Hop IPA, a new one on me.

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