
Tonight was volunteers info evening at the Kanyana Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre and I joined 30 other would be volunteers hoping to join the Kanyana team.
Started almost 40 years ago by two devoted Aussie wildlife people, the intake in the first yearof 76 orphaned, injured and sick critters is now over 2000 a year. With a team of over 200 people and only 2!! paid positions, without vollies the place could not survive.
With a variety of areas including hospital duties, food preparation, enclosure cleaning, education, admin, husbandry (including reptiles yeah!!) and animal taxi (transporting injured animals flown in from far flung mine sites to carers) there is a possibilty for everyone.

So for the next two Saturdays it will be orientation and training days and then with tetanus jab checked off and work shirt on board, it will be the start of something very special.
Can't wait :)

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