
A phone call from the Headmaster to tell you your son has been 'involved in an incident in the playground' is not the most welcome of calls.

When the details are unveiled of him being head butted in the mouth and having his head bashed against a wall the protective mother's instinct fires into action.

Now I know my boys are not angels and I also know that the thug in question has what are termed 'anger issues' but I also know that there is no way that this is acceptable.

Fortunately the previous airy fairy Headmistress left post in the summer and the acting Headmaster is not one for taking any nonsense. He has assured me today that he has a zero tolerance policy and had he been in post longer it would be an immediate exclusion. As it now stands the thug is on his final warning and his parents have been told that he will be excluded should he try anything else in a similar vein against any pupil at the school.

I went to school at lunchtime to check on Bro2 and was reassured that they were keeping an eye on him and had applied cold compresses. The lunch staff gave Bro2 extra portions of pudding even though he wasn't having school dinners. He might be a bit bruised and bashed but there's nothing wrong with his appetite.

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