Plus ça change...

By SooB

Back in the old routine

As the kids had such a short week at school/nursery last week, this is really the return to the term time routine for me. So, a pretty classic Sunday:

- One of us has a lie in (me this time)
- Rainy walk
- Lunch
- Lazy afternoon with an old/daft movie (X-men, again) and the papers
- Bit of baking (lime tray bake)
- Leftovers dinner
- Bathtime (kids)
- Ironing (me)

Hard really to believe that it's still August - what with all the rain and mud. Cold too. We had to turn the heating up today. The photos were taken at Gosford House Estate just outside Aberlady. Lovely place, full of birds - though not many were flying about in all this rain. We always see a heron or two, and often something more exotic like a woodpecker or kingfisher. We normally see deer, but I think they were sheltering somewhere too.

The bottom right photo is the cheesecake from yesterday. Off to devour it now!

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