Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


After a 12 and a half hour shift I can’t wait to get into bed tonight. And I really struggled getting out of it this morning. I seemed to have gone the other way and can’t get enough sleep at the moment; think it has something to do with the increased dose of tablets.

I got up this morning and felt different, couldn’t work out what was up. Then I realised I felt happy! I wanted to go to work, I felt chatty, up for getting stuck in to things. What a difference.

But by 11am something had changed and I felt so low, it was weird I could actually feel myself changing. I got tired, emotional, agitated and jumpy.

This has continued all day and I was so agitated at parents evening tonight it took a great amount of strength to keep it together and chat to parents.
Just now sitting typing this I can’t stop fidgeting and I feel I want to do some damage to something
But I have a coping mechanism……….I'm just not proud of it.

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