
By Poppy


Another day of gales. No mail plane from south, so postie Mike was finished his deliveries by lunch time. We ate watching the seals and birds in the waves in the bay while we tackled a crossword, then Ollie and I braced ourselves and went for a walk.

It was difficult enough even walking along the road into the wind so I didn't fancy going up over the hill. Definitely too dangerous to go along by the cliffs so we pootled about on the shore. Tucked in underneath the cliffs it was really sheltered and quite pleasant.

I took a knife with me to try and cut the marker buoys off the rope covered in goose necked barnacles, but it wasn't, or I wasn't, up to the job. Also they are now rotting and very stinky and slimy, so I shall leave well alone! Eventually the sea will scour it clean then I'll have another go.

What I did find was an arm, plastic, from a doll. I've already found a hand, again plastic, from a doll. If I wait long enough I might come across the remaining pieces! I decided this battered and broken creel was more photogenic than plastic body parts . . . .

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