This big "heavy" Eastern Osprey is just a Chick, we saw him in the old abandoned nest that we had seen the parents build earlier this year at the Marina but unfortunately it was wrecked by a storm that blew along the coast, both parents then built another nest (stack) on the cliff edge further along the coast.
The male fetches the sticks and the female makes the nest, the pair generally mate for life and they return to old nesting sites each year, maybe this chick had outgrown the other nest further along the coast?
This one flies around the Marina with one of the adult Ospreys in unison, we've only seen one adult and the chick recently, not sure if its the Male or Female the chick flies with?
I watched the adult Osprey fly off the nest in search of food, then the chick flew from the nest just a couple of metres to perch on this scaffolding surrounding a house thats being built on the marina, he was watching everything that moved! A birds eye view, later the adult Osprey flew back, the chick was almost as big and as heavy the parent!
I will be down there again tomorrow! Maybe catch them in their nest?
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