And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

Focal zooooooooooom...

I like messing with picasa 3 its ace, you must try it. Its cool today but not cold, its dry too so that's good :) woke at 830 late for me, I cleaned the kitchen and had a toasted T-cake for woke Ash... and went for a walk, didn't take camera so used my mobile.

Got Dan coming for lunch, hes been on the phone a lot of late, it worries me. Least he will have a good meal when he comes and he knows he can move back in if he likes.

I made Jan a lunch to pick up at 1.30 as she is very busy at the mo with her business, then we are going to walk the dogs. By that time it will near dinner time what to make hmmm... HAVE A GOOD DAY ALL :)

love c x x x

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