Too Late

Right camera, right flash, right place ................ wrong time!

The shaggy ink caps I have been trying to shoot in their prime have gone past it.
They last about one day before they basically begin the poison themselves and 'melt'.

Ahh well!
Maybe next year.

On a brighter note ............. the cat was fairly amenable to having her picture taken and squirrel totally ignored me as she spent time looking out of the window waiting on SWMBO returning.
She is drooling like a tap with no sign of another tooth so getting a 'dry chin' shot is a non starter.

At the Craft Association meeting I was given some bits of wood for my turning - Laburnum.

Then it was off to the camera club for a members evening where they were invited to show half a dozen shots (preferably) taken over the summer.
There weren't many took up the oppertunity to have help on techniques, cropping etc and to find out what sort of lenses and settings were used to get the results.

Such a shame since there have been certain members complaining that the club is not giving this sort of thing in the syllabus - some of whom were there without any of their work.

So I set the cat among the pigeons and called them out on it.
I don't think they were too happy.
But there was complete refusal to get more involved in the club or assist with the running of it.

Such a shame.

Question ....................... How can somebody who has been taking pictures on film for over 40 years classify themselves as a 'beginner' because they now own a digital camera?

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