
By SomethingAwful

The Boathouse

Ferry to Orcas Island, which despite the looming fog and wind and rain, was beautiful. Even the drive up was beautiful - Washington is 'The Evergreen State', and I can see why. Every roadside looked like a scene from Twin Peaks, with huge pines and overcast skies. In fact, I did wonder if we'd pass where Twin Peaks was filmed, but A informed me that was south and east, while we were driving north and west. Still, we were heading towards the border with Canada, which is actually nearer to where Twin Peaks was set, so that definitely satisfied me!

After getting the hotel we headed to the 'barbecue' and I met many of J and A's old Seattle group - mostly people who A had been to college with and their families and extended circles - who were reunited for this wedding.

Lovely people, tired T who I babysat/fell asleep with/watched Greek until J and A came home ("A's piss drunk!"). Nice evening. :)

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