Plum shot
The temptation to use overlaid text is very strong....
But I will resist.
An astoundingly busy day - I really haven't stopped - and yet it is hard to see what I've achieved. I made a fig in Earl Grey tea thingummy, and this plum chutneyish thingy is destined to accompany a roast pork or two this winter.
Main job this morning was to cook Saturday's dinner. Sadly (in all ways) the butcher was closed "because of a death" today. I suppose I'll find out whose tomorrow when I'm in to see if my dinner plans pass muster.
TallGirl failed to be elected as class rep (she was third out of six) but she and CarbBoy both did well in evaluations so it is not a glum house. Also we are planning a holiday - which is always lovely.
Tonight I should be out at a sort of Tupperware party, but I have cried off for fear of infecting everyone else with the cold that has me so befuddled just now.
Tomorrow: off to Toulouse to collect a renewed and reinvigorated iMac, then getting ready for weekend guests (who, if they read this, should be warned than standards of preparedness round here may be even lower than normal....)
Oh, and before I forget, CarbBoy had another sore leg event last night - crying for half an hour until I had Calpol-ed and massaged the pain away. Of course once he was snoring away I was wide awake and jittery about all the horrible things that could be wrong with him. The cold (actually though it poured today it was warm) light of day tells me it was cramp. Probably brought on by excessive shopping yesterday.
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