From Both Sides


I'm really struggling to catch up with everyone and I fear I am failing badly, so I may just have to have a quick look and leave the odd comment or two, but I am still very much enjoying your photos and journals.

Not much time (or the weather) for outdoor pictures, so this is a little souvenir of Mull I brought home with me. It was purchased from Polly's Tent near Ulva Ferry and it's made of steel and painted with very durable outdoor paints, so it will eventually end up outside (possibly sitting on the new patio table!) The pictures show both sides of the same bird and I love the subtle variations. There was an amazing selection of birds and animals to choose from and I may well return for another next time I'm on Mull:-)

I've managed to compile a DVD of holiday photos to show friends at the weekend, but there is still masses to do, so I'll pop in when I can, but will be thinking of you all. Hope the weather brightens up for the weekend!

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