
By Aliscotia

Autumn Reeds

Getting ready for our guests today and as I am cooking for them I am getting in an early Blip so I can go in the kitchen and cover myself in flour commence mise en place.

We went to see another couple of houses today, one was on a road that was too noisy for me and the other was lovely but is right at the top of our price bracket and we are not sure we want to stretch ourselves. I am enjoying the location of the rental flat very much at the moment because of proximity to the town, the shops and lovely restaurants and cafes. As a result we are not going to rush into a house purchase but will keep adding to our knowledge of the areas and really refining just what we want. I had to dismiss Winchcombe from our house hunting plans as it is 80 mins between buses...just too long! It will still be a regular haunt for a weekend visit but not for our home.

I thought these tangled reeds were rather lovely.

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