
By Ellaphant

The Trump Card Boys

From left to right - M, H, E and A; A is actually hubby, in case you didn't recognize him (for which I take full blame, don't worry). I could have used 'Four Friends' as the title here, which I don't think they would have liked, because it doesn't sum up enough what they've been to each other. For well nigh 20 years now, they've spent Friday evening together playing what the Dutch call 'klaverjassen', for which 'trump' is the closest I can think of. Lately, though, E has had to work in the evening and M hasn't been feeling all too good, but H and hubby have become bridge masters, too, so when E and M can't make it, H and hubby play bridge ... with other partners, of course. Hubby does play bridge with two regular partners twice or thrice a week. When hubby turned 60 last year, I invited only these friends and their partners and one other couple, and absolutely no other family member. These 4 'horsemen of the apocalypse' have stuck with each other through thick and thin -- illnesses, divorces, grumpy moods, but also good times, holidays, births, operations, deaths, graduations of kids, you name it. I tend to think it will stay this way till the end.

Oh yea ... shot taken at M's flat in Breda.

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