But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave


I often wonder what makes a popular Blip. I realise that there are some time consuming techniques for raising one's profile but, I already spend enough time roaming these journals so things would be said if I were to increase this investment. I did have one entry that acquired ten times the number of visitors that my efforts normally achieve but, I discovered that my great niece, who was featured that day, had put a link to it on Facebook. Then yesterday, I had just one loyal visitor; it was reminiscent of one of my favourite radio programmes from the seventies, "Hello Cheeky", the cast (John Junkin, Barry Crier and Tim Brooke-Taylor) made frequent references to their listener, his name was Eric.

Today was my last walk with Hamish for a while, he is now back at home and so will not be insisting on sharing our bed tonight. The bedding will have to be changed before Mrs TD returns as it has become a little whiffy.

The blip, like yesterday's, is of green dangly bits seen on a drizzly dog walk.

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