Spoor of the Bookworm

By Bookworm1962

Power Play

And the awards for lack of self awareness, hypocrisy and unintentional irony goes to....Michele Bachman for showing up for a photo opportunity at the WWII memorial and expressing disgust for whoever closed it down....that would be YOU Michele. While posing for her press pictures and news interviews she semi focused her insane smirk and remarked "No one should use these veterans as political pawns". I'm beginning to believe the rumours that Ms Bachman and her fellow Teabaggers are actually brilliant performance artists seeing how much insane stupidity people will take seriously. Sadly though I know deep down that the US is being held hostage by an extremist cell of Christian fundamentalist Know Nothings who's understanding of the world is deeply strange - I'm predicting that they really are going to make the US default on its debts in a couple of weeks and unleash untold misery upon the world. Let's hope the moderates in their party, so scared of being primaried in their gerrymandered seats, find some guts and vote against them and with the democrats....that is if Boehner ever finds the courage to let them vote.

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