Thistle Down

By Ethel

Dripping Water

Water dripping from the sink,
Water that we turn to drink.
Something makes me think...I outta,
Stand and turn the dripping water.

A leaking faucet is a waste,
Hurry now...and using haste.
Turn the faucet to the right,
With some pressure...make it tight.

For every drop adds to a river,
Our thanks returned unto the giver.
And to the man set forth to toil,
There's moisture to the thirsty-soil.

Life is but the drops a-dripping,
As man with breath, is quietly sipping.
Falling drops on lofty mountains,
The spray of drops from sparkling fountains.

For ever in man's life to live,
Sweet refreshment...he must give.
Deeds are drops by his endeavors,
Drops are deeds that live forever.

E.P. 1908 - 1989

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