Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Uninspired blip

Another of the things I love about my job is that I can look pretty. I can wear shoes (albeit flat ones), skirts, dresses and if the weather holds, my beautiful red coat. Yes I have become a girl! In advance of my first paycheck I treated myself to some new shoes and clothes (now I just need to charity the huge bag of stuff I never wear that I used to justify it). This is the detail on one of my skirts.

Due to my working hours I have to do a half day every second Friday. Today was one of them. It was good because with just the two of us in the office I did some phone answering and even tried to help my first client on my own. I answered a lot of calls in the space of 5 minutes as somehow another departments telephone had been redirected to ours!

As I left work, I didn't stop to photograph the bunnies (they're there every day) as I was sure with the afternoon off I'd get a photo. Cue 2 minutes to bedtime and an emergency shot of my skirt!

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