Bit of a random drive in hope of blip, whilst posting a letter for mum. Saw the sunset looked pretty nice as I left, but by the time I got to my blip-spot, there was just one big cloud.
This is a vertorama, where I have stitched together 3 images on top of each other. That's just how big the cloud was, couldn't fit the top of the cloud in one shot.
Something good: Tomorrow, I shall be setting off for Haworth! :D
Something new: My parents have a reasonably impressive music taste. Twice in a week I've discovered that a band I liked, my parents had already got songs by them... (GoodBooks and The Postal Service)
- 0
- 0
- Nikon D40
- 1/100
- f/3.5
- 18mm
- 400
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