Titley Times

By racheltitley


The cold is subsiding, but still requiring tissues and chocolate.

A very kind friend let us empty the contents of our loft and spare room into her garage about a year ago to allow our loft extension to happen. We've taken some bits out, but today we finally had to pull the plaster off and bring it all home as she's moving house very soon. The piles of keep, bin, eBay, car boot and undecided have yet to materialise. As it's all in our kitchen/dining room there is now a rule that every time someone goes upstairs they need to take an item with them - or we'll never at the table again!

I also went to see a sports physio about my sore hip - came away with the hope that I will be able to enter the Birmingham half in two weeks time, but have exercise and no running to do and a revisit next week - fingers (and apparently not my legs) crossed

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