
Kendal gets the thumbs up!

We were up at 8.30am, coffee was made and we were showered and off into Kendal by 11am! Go us!

I love all these little alleyways in the town centre. It's a really pretty little place. Some of the houses are properly cute.

We pottered round the charity shops and found some seriously good bargains! A fish eye mirror for me and Sarah bought a wooden bird cage from a shop called 'Junk & Disorderly'. I love other people's old tat!

Our friend Ryan has come to visit us for the evening and he's brought Sarah flowers and chocolates and sparkly pop for her birthday. He brought flowers for me too. Made me smile. It's the first time a man has given me flowers in quite some time.

We went back to Booths and picked up a picnic for dinner... our fridge has salad and all sorts in it now. Well we did sort of pop into a greasy spoon for breakfast!

We are lazy bastards! And we love it.

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