The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Bomble, the Bouncer at GL5

I spent the day resting my sprained ankle. CleanSteve was out, and I did get up and hobble around a bit, but my main aim for the day was to instal IOS 7 (now 7.2) on the iPad, and read and evaluate Rogue Male for my course. This I managed without too much trouble, and the sun came out and shone on the cabin.

This is where I was installed with our cat Bomble at my head. Starling, next door left's elderly black cat, was dozing on the roof, and Leo, the low-fat ginger cat from next door right was hanging out in the mini-greenhouse, while Illium, the mackerel tabby from next door right, was on the scrounge for Bomble's leftovers. Unfortunately they are all boys, and often at war with each other. There's only one girl cat Molly, a scruffy longhaired character with an unpleasant meow, but she is afraid of people. Though theoretically belonging to next door left, she lives in the shed at the bottom of our garden. I would love to catch her and groom her matted beard, but I don't think she'd let me.

Eventually CleanSteve returned from his course, and I looked up and saw a hot air balloon drifting up the valley. It was rather a dull dark blue colour, advertising a well known up market travel company, but I tried to get some shots anyway. Turned on the "pop art magic filter" on my totally mad camera, but in the event I preferred this one of Bomble sitting on the steps, viewed through the unnaturally green grass. I know it's not even sharp in the right places, but I liked the colours, and who needs an advertising balloon? I didn't take any other shots because I am really trying to rest up.

Half an hour later, when I was cooking, I heard a fearful yelping in the garden and came running, which hurt my ankle all over again. It seems that Ziggy, the Jack Russell type terrier from next door left, had popped over to our patch, and Bomble had scratched him and chased him down the stairs! Life is never dull around here.

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