It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

My Little Town...

This is the view on my walk with Diesel everyday. When the clouds are fab and the sky looks like this ....all seems right with this mad crazy world.
I had this ready to go but only just before Strictly so I wouldn't have had time to upload and write this. So I'm afraid I'm a bit late!
You do get a fab view...maybe just a few hills would be better but its not half bad is it?
Much prep for my holiday on Friday!! Yipeee Cant wait. Lets hope this one is a success!

Autumn too which is my favourite Season (Yes Season Lost Pixel) Before I get any more cheek from you!

Yesterdays "Sky Drama" made it briefly to the Spotlight page. Many thanks for that :-)
Draco The Strictly Dragon x

Time some of the celebs went!! There are a good few bad ones this year.

Natalie Gumede is the clear winner as far as I'm concerned!
However Sophie Ellis Bextor's Charleston was bloomin fantastic and Ill be watching that a few times :-)
That's another dance I would LOOOve to do.
Ta Ta Dance Groupies :-)

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