
By fennerpearson


Yes, yes, it was getting late and I realised I hadn't taken a photo. I'd intended to spend the whole day transferring stuff from the old cottage the new one but I ended up spending quite a bit of time in The Royal, using it's free wifi to stay on top of some work stuff, basically catching up on Monday and Tuesday.

I did make a couple of ferrying trips, though, making enough of a dent in what was left to make me realise how much there was left to do :-/

The best thing to happen today, though, was that Dan and Abi came 'round after school and Abi immediately started working with me to sort out the kitchen. It was brilliant! I'd been completely daunted by the four large boxes sat on the counters and floor but Abi just (metaphorically) rolled her sleeves up and we not only got them emptied but also found places to put everything. Hurrah!

It was only much later that I realised I hadn't taken a photo, today, so I popped outside and took this. The textures looked quite interesting at the time but a bit less so now :-/

That bright light in the top left is a really tall Narnia style street lamp, which I rather like.

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