Stirling Reidos

By StirlingReidos


...I accompanied Mr R and the boys to golf lessons this morning. My first trip to golf lessons since they started back for the autumn term as I've worked a fair few Saturday's recently.

Took a wee walk round the loch while Buncle was at his lesson. Noticed some Brambles that means we were not very observant last Sunday or more have ripened in the week. Picked a wee handful for a wee taste. Also found lots of chestnuts.

So a successful wee foraging exercise.

The rest of the day and into the wee sma' hours was spent on the the laptop...numbers and spreadsheets was the order of my day interspersed with conversation and laughs with the Barmy Army.

Es had her last Gang Show performance of she arrived back a tad sad this evening that it's all over. Before we know it she'll be getting the call notice for the 2015 show.

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