
By Charlie17


Just back from a walk with the dogs down to Strichen Park where this rowan tree was.
Rowan or Mountain Ash or rodden as we used to call them.
Many of them seem to have a big crop of berries this year. People are saying that that is a sign of a bad winter ahead. It is an interesting thought that a rowan tree can predict the weather better than the Met Office with all their computers with weather data, patterns etc.
Yesterday, Kate Adie was on the radio and she was talking about when she first started on a small radio station. Her job was to make coffee and to give the weather forecast. The station couldn't afford reports from the Met. Office so she said she just used to look out of the window.
I wonder if that is what they do now!
It's meant to be bad luck to cut down a rowan tree so the one in our garden is safe!!
We used to use the berries in pea shooters to aim at anything that moved, or didn't. More fun than an X box??
A day for tidying up in the garden as its dry and not cold.
Have a peaceful Sunday.
Groovin on a Sunday afternoon.

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