Good Bye, God Bless

This morning Grandma passed away.

She had settled last night, but after what the CT scan displayed as a massive stroke the doctors felt it was a matter of time. What has been described as her cast iron will to see 100 unfortunately didn't hold out.

This is a scanned picture of Win, Graham (my brother) and myself, probably around 1978 (my best guess).

She was the last of a generation for my family. She grew up near Dunstable, where my father was born during the war while my Grandfather was in the army in North Africa and Italy.

Post war they moved to Kenya and my Grandfather worked for the government out there as an electrical engineer, helping to provide mains electricity around the country. They moved around the country in what must have been an amazing time to be out there.

They returned to the UK for a number of years, running a newsagents for a while before the lure of heading back out to Africa, this time to what was then Rhodesia. Ron, again working for the electricity board out there. I am not aux fait on dates, but I think it was around the time I was born.

We went out to Harare (Was Salisbury back then) to visit over Christmas when Graham was about two or three. As a five year old it was the biggest adventure ever.

After Rhodesia became Zimbabwe they returned to the UK, and settled in Norfolk for a few years. Ill health of Ron, my grandfather, brought them back closer to family in Dunstable.

Ron died about 25 years ago now, and Win lived for many years in the village until her own ill health forced us to look at homes for her, and a move down to London to be close to my Mum.

She was heart broken by the death of my father about 7 years ago now, and we couldn't have a conversation without him being mentioned. It really effected her. Not the order of things I think is the relevant term.

She is now at peace, after 92 years here amongst us. Goodbye Grandma, God bless you.

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