oh holy hell.......

........I am far too old for this shit!

Worked an eight-ish hour shift on a rest day - grrrrrr
Went to Edinburgh afterwards - good, very glad to go
Picked up some food and cooked for six - okay, happy to, if fact, I offered
Caught up with, and had a good laugh with, brilliant friends - excellent
Went out to the Shore and had a few more drinks and watched a 'band' - great fun
Got dragged kicking and screaming to a city centre nightclub which was free to get into, had sticky floors, hot and sweaty air and grope-y 'clientele' who, for the most part, were less than half my age - really quite unpleasant actually.....especially when suddenly stone cold sober
Back to the flat at three to continue to drink and gossip 'til 5-ish am.
Slept in a room with no curtains and therefore woke up at dawn - not good
Got made breakfast - awesome
Arrived home in time for Downton Abbey - perfect

thank God I'm off tomorrow

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