Strike that. Reverse it!


Sunny Saturday!

A very busy Saturday here. Had lots of errands to do in Wakefield in the morning , including a the big shop. Much to the boys delight. Seemed to take much longer than I'd thought it would. Took a quick photo of this side of the Cathedral as I dashed between shops. I was struck by all the intricate architecture on the cathedral. I'd never spotted it, althought I have walked past this end often. I think I need to do tour round the cathedral inside and out to catch all the little details. Everytime I see it I spot something new :0)

After shopping we need home and I cleaned all the bedrooms whilst the boys played. I'm really not sure why I clean Tommys bedroom. He's a nightmare at keeping it tidy. Annoyingly he has the smallest room too, so it always looks worse than it is.

We had yet another party at the soft play we were at yesterday
. Today it was awful and so much busier than yesterday. Was unbearable to be honest.

Thankfully Unfortunately I had to leave early as a lovely friend and neighbour had asked me to go with her to the theatre. A friend of hers had written and was acting in a play. It was at a small theatre in Leeds called SevenArts. The play was called Terminal and was a black comedy. If I'd known beforehand what it was about I may not have agreed to go but it was really good. The acting was very good and the writing was very clever. Really got me thinking.

So ended up a good but very busy day.

Hope you had a great Saturday xxx

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